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The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


All content by Da’Jai Wesson
Americans watched from home as president-elect Joe Biden and vice president-elect gave their acceptance speeches from Wilmington, Del. Saturday, Nov. 7.

Madame Vice President

Da’Jai Wesson, Editor
December 2, 2020
Tests come in all forms and styles. Each offers a unique twist to the standard method of assessment, which gives insight into the mind of the teacher providing the test.

[Photo] Testing, 1, 2, 3

Ariel Clark, Editor
November 30, 2020
Lex Somers celebrates acceptance into the all-state band during his sophomore year. All four years of high school, Somers auditioned and earned a spot in the band.

An All-Star All-Stater

Da’Jai Wesson, Editor
November 5, 2020
Senior Lia Lillard applied for a scholarship through the school. Information like class ranking, GPA, and volunteering history was needed to apply.

Scholarship Tips

Da’Jai Wesson, Editor
October 28, 2020
The 2020 presidential election is on Tuesday, Nov. 3 this year. Citizens planning to vote must be registered.

Registering to Vote

Da’Jai Wesson, Editor
September 4, 2020
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