Ethan Steffens, Broadcasting
Ethan Steffens, 16, is an AHS journalism broadcaster and “keeps Berryhill on her toes.” Steffens’ sister, Kenzie Steffens, a graduated AHS journalist, inspired him to get involved. One of Steffens’ proudest Journalism moments was “definitely my Jeopardy, we set it up really well and it was fun.”
Something to know about Steffens is that he has a dog named Hank and would eat Little Bites Mini Muffins for the rest of his life if he had to. Jayden Proehl knows him better than anyone. After asking Steffens thought his friends would describe him, Steffens said, “I have a good sense of humor and I'm caring on a good day.”
Steffens participates in football and track, and he also cheers for the Cowboys football team as well as Iowa State. Steffens said a calming place to go is his room. The person who inspires him the most is his mom Nicole Steffens.
Story by Maylynn Ferrell