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The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


Edria Brummer

Edria Brummer, Broadcasting, Yearbook Editor

Senior Edria Brummer has been in journalism since her sophomore year.  Throughout her time in the journalism department, she has done a little bit of everything.  She wrote stories for AHS Needle her sophomore year and bounced between broadcasting and yearbook her junior year.  She enjoys the creativity of broadcasting but also loves taking photos for the yearbook. Brummer said, “I enjoy journalism because of the team aspect.  There are so many creative people in journalism, so you never run out of ideas.”  Journalism has helped her improve her writing skills and fostered her ability to speak in a professional manner.

Brummer's packed Senior schedule consists of Girl's Swimming, Soccer, Basketball Manager, Student Council president, AHS Fuel president, Journalism, NHS, Quill and Scroll, Silver Cord, Choir, Show Choir, and dancing at Dance Atlantic.  She also has two jobs. During the summer she is a manager at Shaved Tail Louie's and volunteers at ChildWatch at the YMCA.  Even with all her extracurriculars, Brummer still finds time to hang out and drive around with her friends. She loves going to football games and participating in other school functions. 

 “I've always liked to stay busy.  I never want to look back at high school and wish I did more,” said Brummer. She is looking forward to all the fun activities during her senior year. She is also excited to take the next big step in her life, college.

Story by Emma Rose and Isabelle Symonds

All content by Edria Brummer