Atlantic Community School District Announces Two Administrative Resignations
The District’s Superintendent and Finance Director & Board Secretary positions are now open to be filled.

April 6, 2023
This week, the Atlantic Community School District School Board approved the resignations of Superintendent Steve Barber and Finance Director & Board Secretary Sarah Sheeder. Sheeder submitted her resignation on Monday, and on Tuesday, the Adair-Casey & Guthrie Center Board of Directors approved her contract to become a Business Official for that district.
Sheeder worked at both ACSD and AC/GC school districts this year. Sheeder currently resides in Adair-Casey & Guthrie Center School District, so for the past six years, she has been commuting to Atlantic. “Due to recent retirements at AC/GC, I was offered a position as the shared School Business Official between the AC and GC districts.” Although her departure was “difficult,” it was ultimately the “best decision” for Sheeder and her family.
Sheeder is looking forward to working with former Atlantic Community School District Middle School Principal Josh Rasmussen, who became the Superintendent of AC/GC last year. “Atlantic is an outstanding community, and I am grateful to have been a part of it for the past six years. I would like to thank past [and] current board members as well as the many employees and members of the community who have supported and helped me throughout my time here. I am confident that this district will continue to have outstanding student successes for many, many years to come,” Sheeder said.
School Board President Laura McLean said that the general teacher shortage also extends into administration. McLean said she’s “not concerned” about filling Sheeder’s position and that the board is “certainly going to try” to get someone as “fantastic” as Sheeder.
As for Barber’s resignation, McLean said she has already said as much as she can in the statement that was sent out Wednesday morning. The board has not yet taken the steps to find a replacement for Barber as they still have to process his resignation. There’s not a specific timeframe for when students should expect to see Barber’s position filled, but McLean said she does not think “students should be feeling any real disruption or disturbance in terms of their schools.”
There is a long licensure process in order to become a qualified superintendent, but McLean is not worried about finding an apt replacement. “I can say that our district has a lot to offer. We have amazing students [and] an incredibly supportive community,” McLean said. She is “hopeful” about finding a replacement, although the board is “not anywhere close to pursuing that process yet.”
McLean describes these two administrative resignations as “a natural part of being in school leadership.” She wants people to know that “the board puts student success and our students at our top of mind with all of the decisions we’re making.”
Aside from administrative resignations, the school board has also approved many other departures from around the district. They approved the resignation of Middle School Principal Scot Aden, who has accepted a job at Carroll Community School District. Derek Hall is resigning from the positions of sixth-grade science teacher, Head Boy’s Basketball Coach, and Assistant Girls’ Track Coach. Mikayla Schuler is making a departure from her job as Kindergarten Teacher. Paraeducators Marcella Peck, Jenifer Rugaard, and Shauna Casey are also departing from their positions. Route Driver and Bus Monitor Chris Kennedy and Custodian Paul Ruhr will also be leaving. Washington Elementary teacher Sheryl Hinzmann and High School Vocal Music Director Evan Adamon have both resigned. Kindergarten Teacher Laurie Fell came out of retirement to help during the teacher shortage, but she will be returning to retirement after this school year. Misty Rhodes submitted her resignation as High School Paraeducator and Bus Monitor, but she plans to continue as AHS Dance Team Coach.
Steve Barber has declined the AHS Needle’s request for an interview.