Fascinating Face Masks at AHS
Necessity or not, people are finding creative ways to use their face masks in order to show off their interests and passions.
January 6, 2021
Individuality. In a world full of diversity, everyone is yearning to express themselves in their own unique way. Fashion, as an example, can help provide clues as to what someone is like. Different trends and styles dominate the market as everyone tries to showcase themselves in a fun manner. Masks, an accessory now made commonplace due to COVID-19 regulations, are no exception to stylization.

Students at AHS took their own unique routes when the mask mandate was released. With greatly varying designs, some people put extra flair into their new-daily attire. Senior Lane Muell expresses himself with a music-themed mask which proudly displays his love for the industry. Muell has been involved in Band all throughout his high school career. While many students may think that having a unique mask could damage their pride, Muell doesn’t share the same concerns. “Wearing a mask doesn’t bother my confidence,” said Muell, “it’s always been high.”

Hobbies aren’t the only thing that students have been showing off with their masks. Monsters are also on the prowl. Korbin Johnson, freshman, has a face mask designed to look like a shark’s gaping maw, which his dad ordered for him off of Amazon. He likes to wear “funny masks” because he enjoys making people’s day by having them smile at the sight of it. While Johnson didn’t originally enjoy wearing masks, he’s grown used to them with time. “I thought they were annoying, but after wearing them for a while I’ve gotten used to them,” said Johnson.

While many fun designs can be found in the sea of masks as students pass between classes, some masks exist for more practical usage. Freshman Kelsey Pross has a mask specifically designed to keep fog out of her glasses. With its red color, she isn’t entirely sure where she obtained it but thinks that it originated from a friend. Either way, she’s grateful for the ability to stay safe while still being able to see.

Masks aren’t only unique in their designs or abilities, but also in the fact of their origin. Eleanor McCalla, sophomore, owns a hand-stitched mask gifted to her by a friend in Utah as a birthday present. “Buying fun fabrics and making masks out of them is one of her hobbies,” said McCalla. While she does think masks can be uncomfortable, McCalla thinks students should make the most of their situation rather than settling with plain or disposable masks. “If you have to wear them, why not make them aesthetically pleasing?”

Using her own creativity, Alexis Peterson put her own craft skills to work in order to create a mask that best suits her. The mask ended up being against the dress code, forcing her to use safety pins in order to make it valid. Still, she highly enjoys the tie-dye design it ended up becoming. To make it, she used a combination of bleach and water. “First, I mixed bleach and water and splashes the mixture onto it,” said Peterson, “then I had to put the staples in one by one because the stapler I had was too big to fit the staples.” Peterson doesn’t mind wearing masks since she values the safety of others during these troubled times. “Sometimes it can be a bit of a hassle, like if you forgot your mask and need to go somewhere, but it’s worth it to protect yourself and others around you.”
While the primary function of a mask is to keep others safe, companies are offering more and more interesting features as time goes on. Some can cost a fortune. According to the New York Post, a Japanese company is offering to sell a diamond-encrusted mask for $9,600. Even normal companies that sell standard styles are “booming” in business as more people seek uniqueness in their choice of mask. Still, whether someone uses diamonds or solid colors, masks are essential for keeping everybody safe during these troubled times.