Whether it’s a canned, bottled or a homemade drink, the majority of AHS students bring a beverage to school with them in the morning. Many students, however, are getting in trouble for having them in some teacher’s classrooms.
Celsius Live-Fit Energy Drink, Alani Nu Energy Drink, Scooters, and Kickstart are just a few of the many popular drinks you might see around AHS. Canned beverages, especially energy drinks, are the main culprits causing teachers to ban them from their classrooms. This is because they can easily be spilled due to them not having a lid or closed top. Señorita Niceswanger said, “I will strongly suggest students have lids in order to avoid spills. It has happened often in my room, and I am trying to avoid sticky messes on my carpet while taking care of my classroom to keep it looking nice for the future.” While this is a very respectable reason to not allow the drinks, numerous students have shared their thoughts on this issue.
“I understand their reasoning if they have new carpet or if it is about the kids spilling the drinks. However, if it is a trustworthy student or early in the morning, I think they should allow it,” said sophomore Zoey Kirchoff.
Freshman Walker Gary said, “I feel that teachers should allow us to have canned drinks in class, because as high schoolers, we are starting to become more mature. I also feel that if teachers are so afraid of the mess, then why not make the students clean it up?”
While this still remains a rule dependent on the teacher, students agree that having a drink, whether caffeinated or not, helps them to stay focused and alert during class time.