Atlantic Archers’ Success at State
The Atlantic archery team took first place at state in the 2022 tournament.
WINNING- The archers pose for a picture. Before heading to state, the Archers walked the halls with pride while fellow students cheered them on.
March 10, 2022
The Atlantic High School archery team went to state March 5 and 6 in Des Moines at the state fairgrounds. The team had a strong season and went to the state tournament with high hopes for success.
AHS archers came in fourth for the 3D shoot with a score of 1,694 and came in first for the bullseye shoot with a score of 3,381. With both scores, the team won the state tournament. As they celebrated their state win, coach Clint Rolland was titled coach of the year and the entire team celebrated.

Archers then got personal awards. Freshman Conner Johnson placed second in bullseye. Senior Cooper Jipsen received four awards and placed eighth in bullseye. Freshman Mariah Hadley placed sixth for high school girls. Senior Lee Houser placed seventh for 3D.
As the archers rest for a week before preparing for nationals, the parents and coaches will have a meeting on March 8 about traveling to Salt Lake City, Utah. On the 16th, the mayor wants to meet with the state champions. This is a big opportunity for the archers.