The Exhaustion of School
The 2020-21 school year has proved to be stressful for students.

Sabastian Hernandez completes an online chemistry assignment. Online classes are an added stress this year for students.
February 3, 2021
Many students find themselves saying they are exhausted or don’t have the energy to do anything when they get home. Active Minds provides statistics surrounding mental health and the classroom. In 2020, only 59% of students planned on going to a four-year college because they don’t want to be under the pressure of getting good grades. There are many reasons why students get stressed out so easily, sometimes it is not even because of school. For instance, 55% of high school students do sports and have practice after school and don’t get home until 6 pm, not including the days they have games. Some students do not arrive home till between 9-10 pm.
An article written by Gabrielle Parker, a high school student, reported that many high school students engage in a committed relationship. Some students find it difficult to balance school and relationships with the workload and commitments presented by both. Junior Tyler Molina said, “I am trying to juggle a relationship, job, and trying to excel in school. Keeping up the suffocating pace of assigned homework has proved to stress me out.”
Many students struggles with different aspects of school, but most find a way to cope with the stress. Some find it relaxing to have a study hall or even a few minutes at the end of class to take a deep breath. Freshman Quinn Weil said, “It’s so nice to take a break from school and chill out. I love that I can enjoy myself a little before getting back to work.” However, some high school students wish that they got a recess or the opportunity to step outside for fresh air.
Some people struggle with different subjects, while others may struggle with having to be around a lot of people. Studies show, 9% of high school students have social anxiety and would prefer to be alone. Through the pandemic, social anxiety has increased for many people. An article written by Medical News Today said, “Avoiding social interaction can also maintain social anxiety. One of the most common treatments for social anxiety — cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) — involves gradual exposure to social situations.” The article says, “It’s been hard trying to make friends and hang out with people and just being social, because of COVID.” The pandemic affects students in many different ways. Some students are bothered by mask wearing, their own personal morals, and others struggle socially. “With masks and not being able to socialize with friends is making it more difficult because that is how I cope with the stress,” said sophomore Reese DeArment.
Students at AHS can talk to someone in the guidance office, which is always open.