Eye See A Dissection
Mandatory dissections in Anatomy have always served as a way for students to get hands-on experience with the material they learn.
Junior Katie Rothfusz dissects a cow eyeball with her group during 2nd period Anatomy. They were given a guide to help them through the procedure. The class had also dissected a sheep’s brain a few weeks prior.
December 14, 2020
From the brain to the heart, understanding how humans function is an essential part of discovering our capabilities and origin. Anatomy, a class offered primarily to juniors and seniors, provides insight into the mysteries surrounding bodily functions. The course spans over two semesters. Students will partake in dissections throughout the year based on the current unit they’re learning in order to gain hands-on experience and insight into the material.
Dissections are mandatory in the class. Students are expected to treat each dissection with proper respect. This means no playing around or being otherwise disruptive when conducting the experiment. The parts provided to students are those of various animals given by outside facilities and preserved in liquid. All are obtained in humane ways and not forcefully removed from the animals. All animals were dead prior due to other circumstances.
Senior Bethany Anderson finds the experience to be fun. She had already taken a part in the dissection of a sheep’s brain and cow’s eye before first semester wrapped to a close. “I enjoy seeing them.” While the body parts are preserved and have no trace of blood, Anderson still finds the smell makes her “queasy.” When first entering the class Anderson had anticipated taking charge of the dissections but soon found herself being more of a helper whenever possible while others did the cutting. “I kinda help out when I can,” said Anderson. She enjoys learning things as they go through the experiment.
Out of the two dissections under her belt, Anderson preferred the eye, though she thought the brain “was pretty cool.” “To think that your eye is your eye — kinda surprises you.” For students considering Anatomy, Anderson thinks, “If you’re queasy and you don’t want to look at gross stuff like parts of the body or parts of an animal, don’t take the class.” However, she also believes that the course is fun for those with an interest in anatomy.