FFA Members Attend Legislative Symposium

Five members from the Atlantic FFA chapter traveled to the state capitol to meet with senators and representatives.

Twitter: @atlanticFFA

THANK YOU – Attending members from Atlantic smile with Senator Tom Shipley. During the legislative symposium, they were able to speak with Shipley and representative Tom Moore about agriculture and ag education topics.

Ashley Wendt and Erin Wendt

Members from the Atlantic FFA chapter traveled to the State Capitol on Thursday, Feb. 14 to attend the Legislative Symposium. According to iowaffa.com, this gives members the chance to “build character and promote citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism.” Over 70 chapters from across Iowa attend this event, bringing over 500 members. Those in attendance are also able to “learn about the legislative process, discuss agricultural issues and advocate for Agricultural Education and FFA.”

Seniors Tyler Comes and Kathryn York, junior Tate DenBeste, and sophomores Hannah Carlson, Taylor McCreedy and Craig Alan Becker represented the Atlantic FFA chapter at the 2019 event. The group of five was able to meet and speak with representative Tom Moore and also with Senator Tom Shipley. DenBeste said, “It was kind of interesting to be able to meet them and to see what their day consists of and what they do for our state and our subdistricts.” They also learned about new bills that have been proposed to the House and Senate.

FFA week begins on Sunday, Feb. 17, with dress days during the school week.