NEWS BRIEF — All-State Competition is Approaching
Choir students will be practicing for All-State in the upcoming weeks.
DO RE MI – Sophomore Olivia Engler practices with choir director Jennifer Gaesser. Students planning to audition have to practice up to 13 different songs.
September 28, 2018
All-State competition season is up and coming for the 13 choir students planning to audition, with four weeks until the big day. All-State is an individual choir competition where over 2000 choir students from the state of Iowa compete to receive one of 600 spots in an honor choir.
Choir director Jennifer Gaesser said that the students practice an hour each day for two to three days per week. Gaesser said that it is “very hard work,” because they have to learn and be confident with seven pieces of music 13 weeks after they receive it. “We rehearse songs and cuts, meaning 20-30 measure increments just like All-State cuts,” Gaesser said. She also said that the outcome depends on what the judges like because they all have different opinions, but the students are doing “really well” and will be prepared for the All-State season this year.