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The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


Jayci Reed and Morgan Botos sit and laugh together and discuss Student Council Activities.

The Struggles of Academically-Focused AO

Olivia Jensen, Junior Editor March 13, 2025

Every Monday, students are expected to sign up for Academic Opportunity or AO times. AOs allow students to complete homework and get help from their teachers. In the past teachers have been able to have...

Students competing at the 2025 IHSSA State Debate Tournament stand with their awards. PHOTO CREDIT: Speech and Debate Coach Trisha Koenig

Debate Debrief

Alix Nath, Senior Editor January 15, 2025

This weekend, the AHS Speech and Debate team took four congressional debaters to the Iowa High School Speech Association (IHSSA) state debate tournament. The students competed over the course of Friday,...

AHS's Future Business Leaders

AHS’s Future Business Leaders

Jacquelyn Freund, Staff Writer December 12, 2024
A deep dive into the Future Business Leaders of America Chapter at AHS.
Senior officer Lola Comes hands a lucky waitress one thousand dollars in a cash tip during National FFA Convention dinner.

Atlantic FFA Extends an Olive Branch to Unsuspecting Servers

Jacquelyn Freund, Staff Writer December 2, 2024
Everyone has struggles in life, and an act of kindness might be just what a stranger needs. This year, the Atlantic FFA collected donations to give large tips to unsuspecting servers at the restaurants they visited during their National FFA Convention trip.
The competing Dairy Foods team. Dani Bennett (12), Lola Comes (12), Braden Wood (11), Hayden Kleen (11), Keston Schmitt (11).

FFA Northwest Fall Contest Results

Maddy Anderson, Atlantic FFA Reporter October 14, 2024

On October 3, 2024, 27 Atlantic FFA members attended the fall contest held at Northwest Missouri State University located in Maryville, Missouri. The members got the opportunity to compete in several...

AHS Student Council advisor Mrs. McBee works with Sophomore Rayden Wheeler during a student council meeting.

Ho-Co with StuCo

J. Molina September 16, 2024

The phrase “many hands make light work,” despite being over 700 years old, lives strongly as examined by the AHS Student Council. With summer meetings on top of the early morning meetings every Tuesday...

4-H clubs set up booths for the annual Fall Fest held at the fairgrounds.

4-H For All

Olivia Olson, Staff Writer November 2, 2023

 National 4-H Week is a celebration of 4-H. “It is not only national but international, which is pretty cool, and not many people think about that,” said Katie Bateman, the Cass County Youth Coordinator. ...

The sign up for the tournament hangs outside Trisha Niceswanger's classroom. The tournament is held Oct. 27-28.

SPEAK at Bull Creek!

Alix Nath, Editor October 20, 2023

“Great people who happen to be great speakers” is a slogan used by the AHS Speech and Debate team. This team gives students the opportunity to speak well and speak for something they believe in. This...

Students J. Molina, Brady Wagner, and Molly Harris learn to dance a traditional Japanese festival dance.

Welcome to the International Club!

J. Molina, Editor September 29, 2023

Atlantic High School is home to a wide cast of people from all different walks of life. As a community, it’s important to unite ourselves with our peers, but why not celebrate our differences at the...

The 2023-2024 Atlantic FFA Chapter Officers (back) Colton Rudy, Roth Den Beste, Wyatt Simons, Lily Johnson. (front) Claire Pellett, Charli Goff, Lola Comes.

Atlantic FFA Holds Annual Banquet

Lily Johnson*, Contributor April 5, 2023

The Atlantic FFA Banquet was held on Monday, March 28, at the Atlantic High School. There were 172 members and guests present at the event. The banquet started with the opening ceremonies, led by the 2022-2023...

Ms. Niceswanger keeps a jar of pride flags in her classroom. Other teachers also show support for the QSA with flags, stickers, and posters.

Walkout Organized for March 1

Genevieve McCalla, Editor February 28, 2023

On Wednesday, March 1, a group of students plans to facilitate a walkout to protest the recent anti-LGBTQIA+ bills being debated in the Iowa legislature. The Iowa QSA, or Queer Student Alliance, a youth-led...

Photo illustration: Staff around AHS remind students they support them through small gestures.

PSA on the GSA

Eleanor McCalla December 1, 2021

In 1998, a spark of an idea in San Francisco swept through the United States, helping students across the country find support and raise awareness within their school systems. This network of school-based...

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