Welcome back, AHS! Do you miss the famous Vines of the Olden Days? Watch our recreation of these internet classics! Or maybe the future is more your style instead? No problem, we have that too, with the youngest members of the AHS Speech and Debate team leading the way for a fun and exciting season.
Eye of the Needle
J. Molina, EON Producer
October 21, 2024
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J. Molina, Broadcasting & AHS Needle Co-Lead Editor
Senior J. Molina is the Co-Lead Editor of the Newspaper Division and has been involved in journalism for 4 years. A moment Molina is proud of is when they quickly produced a story about the AHS Speech Team’s evacuation from a bomb threat. “I’m proud of that because I had to churn it out and then immediately go to spaghetti supper (for band).” Molina was awarded Best of SNO for the story. Their goal for Journalism this year is to “smoothly guide everyone to success that they can be proud of.” Outside of journalism, Molina is involved in Speech and Debate, Theater, and Band as the Head Drum Major this year. They’re learning French horn and they “love band.” Molina also draws and writes in their free time. One important thing Molina wants you to know about them is that they’re a big fan of this year’s HARK values. Molina also cares about others around them and in the school, they said “I’m a care bear, I care a lot” and “Go Trojans.”
Story by Fletchor Toft