The influence of social media is undeniably prominent in our everyday lives. Almost all of us spend several minutes to several hours on our favorite social platforms day-to-day, but has it taken control of our lives?

Whether it be Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Discord, or any other social platform we tend to base a lot of our lives on what we see, hear, and do on these websites. For example, if your favorite influencer wore a hat you thought was cute, you may go and buy something similar. Or maybe your favorite YouTuber decided to post a new gameplay video and now you want to play the game too. This is all very base-level and we all tend to aspire to be like the people we favor online, but sometimes it presents itself in the way we think and act in our everyday lives.
“Through carefully curated profiles, profile pictures, and status updates, we often strive to project an idealised version of ourselves.” ( We tend to try and become people we wish to be, rather than who we really are. This can lead to unrealistic expectations, anxiety, self-esteem issues, and so much more. The impact of social media can even distort how you view relationships you uphold with others. You may only encounter positive, light-hearted relationships online and become disconnected from what reality really is. Because of this, you may begin to feel down about the people you surround yourself with, just because they aren’t like “those people online.”
“Platforms utilise targeted advertisements and influencer marketing to shape consumer behavior and preferences. These advertisements, often tailored to individual preferences based on algorithms, can sway our purchasing decisions and influence how and what we consume.” ( Even our clothing, accessories, trinkets, and other things that we own are influenced by smart algorithms. Think of a time you may have “impulse bought” something. What do you think persuaded you to do so?
Almost everyone tends to find themselves on some social platform from time to time, but they usually don’t even consider what it could be doing to their mental health or lifestyle. It’s important to step back and ground into reality when you feel social media’s influence on your self-esteem or decision-making.