Do you support the arts? Many athletes do not support school groups and activities outside their own. For example, the band plays songs for football and basketball, but do those players usually come to watch the band play at their concerts? Not often. I am in several school activities like band and volleyball, and too often have I been disappointed by the lack of respect from the student body. Like the golden rule states, we must treat others the way we wish to be treated; it’s time to make an effort and give our peers the applause and support we want to hear.
The school band puts a lot of effort into perfecting their performances and even comes during the summer to practice. We are outside all day marching in the heat while playing instruments, or we come to school early in the morning when it’s cold outside and we freeze our fingers off. We put a lot of hard work into our craft and would appreciate it if you listened to us when we were on the field playing songs that we have worked so hard on. I know a lot of band and choir students would love to have an overflowing auditorium and be supported just as much as the football players love the fans that come to the games. It takes no effort to clap when the band finishes a song or hoot and holler when we do a fun move. We all put a lot of effort into the things we enjoy, so the least you can do is give a hand to the band when we perform.
This year, some sports coaches have made their players go to other sports games. For instance, the football players all attended the home volleyball game last week. It helped pump up the volleyball girls, and they played hard because they could feel the support coming from the stands. Everyone benefits from that applause, so showing up and being there to support the girls can help them play harder and do better.

Have you ever thought about going to watch the musical? Give it a watch: if you enjoy it and think it seems fun, you might want to participate in it next year. These are activities that some people would never consider doing without seeing what it offers first. But you might find it fun and entertaining, and if you don’t, that’s fine: at least you showed up and supported those hard-working performers. We are all part of a school community, and we need each and every person to go out and support each other.
Also, during the basketball season, I rarely see any student section for the girl’s varsity game, maybe two rows. When the boys’ varsity play, there are about 10 full rows or more. There is also more support for the varsity basketball players than there is for JV or freshman players. The JV and freshman teams put in just as much work, if not more, to get better, and they deserve just as much support as varsity players. There are even fewer people at these JV games and I know from experience that a crowd pumps us up and helps us do better in a game. Even if we know we are probably going to lose a game we will know that we at least had fun and had a crowd there to support us.
If you are ever bored or seeking something to do, consider going to a band or choir concert, a JV soccer game, or a freshman basketball game, or go to any away game and support the athletes there, or maybe go to a wrestling or track meet. The opportunities are endless, but either way, the golden rule makes it clear: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Treat people the way you want to be treated. Go out and support your peers, and they will support you, too.