Student Council: The Innovators of AHS
Atlantic High School’s Student Council is constantly planning events for the whole school to enjoy.

AHS Student Council members attend the Iowa Association of Student Council conference.
January 27, 2023
Student Council is a school organization where a group of students is passionate about changing the school-wide dynamic. According to IASC, the student council is a “student leadership organization that promotes service, citizenship, character, integrity, and academics.” They often plan events and fundraisers for the school, such as Homecoming. Vice President, Charlotte Saluk said, “The main thing that we do is plan Homecoming.” This involves planning dress days, selling tickets, organizing the parade and floats, and putting together the coronation. Much more planning goes on during Homecoming behind the scenes. “Edria [Brummer] and I work pretty closely on things together,” said Saluk. Planning takes more than two people.
There are 23 members of the Student Council, six of whom are executive council members. The executive council consists of President Edria Brummer, Vice President Charlotte Saluk, Secretary Katie Birge, Treasurer Henry Knudson, Parliamentarian Mary McCurdy, Historian Nissa Molgaard, and their sponsor, Sarah Rose, the AHS school counselor. Each position has a different role.
- The president and vice president do a lot of the behind-the-scenes planning, speaking at events, and leading meetings.
- The secretary takes minutes and attendance at meetings, making sure all information talked about gets down on paper.
- The treasurer keeps track of all money in the Council, including withdrawals, deposits, and incoming money from fundraisers.
- The parliamentarian makes sure the council is following “Robert’s Rules of Order” during the meeting and events.
- The historian puts a scrapbook together of everything the Student Council has done over the year and submits it to the Iowa Association of Student Council.
- The sponsor is there to help with anything the Council needs that they aren’t able to do themselves. She is there to be a connection between the students and the administration.
The Student Council meets every Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. in the Media Center. During the meeting, the secretary takes attendance and reads last week’s meeting minutes to anyone who was not able to attend. The Council also talks about “new business,” which is what is happening during that week, such as events and important announcements. Members also sign up to volunteer for things, for example, selling candy cane grams before school. They plan events and talk about what needs to get done and how it’s going to happen as a Council. This year, Brummer has implemented a lot of committee work. “It’s helpful when you have enough members that you can break into groups. It really keeps things moving in meetings so we can get more done,” she said.
Not only do they get to plan school events, but they also form a new community of friends. “You meet a lot of people who you usually wouldn’t hang out with,” said Makenna Schroeder, Student Council member. According to some Student Council members, a lot of people think it’s just an academic club, but it’s so much more than that.
“More people should give it a try. Everyone has an opinion and it’s frustrating when yours isn’t acknowledged. Student Council is a great way to get involved and have your voice heard. With so many people in the high school, it’s always good to get everyone represented,” Brummer said. Events that Student Council plans include: Homecoming, hat days, Winter Wonder Week, Candy Cane Grams, Educators Have My Heart, Mr. AHS, Veteran’s Day, Kids Night Out, and so much more. Schroeder said anyone can be involved and choose to participate in whatever they would like to. Student Council is a great way to get involved in the school and community. “It’s actually pretty fun,” said Saluk.