A Guide to Gen-Z Slang

Gen-Z regularly popularizes new sets of different phrases.

Da’Jai Wesson

Every week new Gen-Z phrases are shouted across the halls at AHS.

McKenna Nelson and Alexis Reynolds

Do you have a hard time figuring out Gen-Z phrases? Here’s a guide to some of the most commonly used slang among the generation.

The results of an AhsNeedle Twitter poll show “Bet” as one of the most popularly used Gen Z phrases. The use of the world bet would translate to something along the lines of “okay let’s do it.” For instance, if someone were to say “Let’s go get pizza” the other person may respond like “Okay bet.” 

Some other terms or phrases would be “Lit”, “Periodt”, and “No Cap.” Most of these phrases get thrown around by Gen-Z or even Millenials. Children and adults may learn these terms through TikTok or other highly used social media apps such as Instagram or Twitter. One of FCS teacher Rebecca Wallace’s favorite phrases is “(___) slaps,” when describing something she likes. 

Freshman Avery Nicholas said, “One of the most common ones I hear is “who asked.” Some students might interrupt their friends when they are trying to either make a statement or tell a story and say “Who asked” trying to be funny. 

One of Sophomore Nathan Keiser’s favorite phrases to say is “On god” when trying to convince somebody he most definitely isn’t joking or lying. Freshman Makayla Atkinson also said, “The one phrase I use the most is Oh my goodness.”