NEWS BRIEF — Little Daisy Needs a Walk

Dog-walking opportunity provides Silver Cord volunteer hour credits.

Da’Jai Wesson

Volunteering to walk Daisy would earn students in the silver cord program volunteer hours. In order to earn the award, students must obtain 200 volunteer hours throughout high school.

Alexandria Garcia and Ethan Steffens

Love dogs and want to be a kind and helpful human?  Volunteering to walk a Jack Russell terrier named Daisy might be the job for you. 

On Jan, 11, a young adult called Atlantic High School to ask if a student might be willing to walk their parents’ dog. They were concerned their parents are getting too old to walk their dog, and the couple has no relatives living in the area. 

According to guidance office secretary Gina Honke, students who are interested can get additional information at the guidance office. Honke said the dog weighs about 13 pounds and is quite old. Daisy would like to be walked once a day or just a couple of times a week after school. The house is located a block away from 9th Street, which is also a block away from the middle school. “You don’t have to walk a mile, just around the block,” said Honke. 

The student who volunteers to walk Daisy will also earn Silver Cord volunteer hour credits. Students who acquire 200 hours of community service during high school are eligible for a scholarship and get to wear the Silver Cord lanyard at graduation.