Atlantic Musicians Attend ISU Honor Band
Four bandies made the cut.
The concert band performs their piece early in the winter. Erin Barrick, Grace Clay, Evalyn Perez, and Lex Somers are all involved with concert band.
February 12, 2020
Over the course of a musician’s high school career here at AHS, students can audition or be nominated for many different types of honor bands. From SWIBA to All-State, there’s even more than just these audition honor bands. One of the nomination bands–meaning the band director nominates students in the class who wish to be involved–is the ISU Honor Band. Of the many students who wanted to be nominated, four made it. These four were seniors Erin Barrick, Grace Clay, and Evalyn Perez and junior Lex Somers. Barrick made it on the trumpet, Clay performed on the alto saxophone, Perez represented Atlantic on the bassoon, and L. Somers played the tuba.
There are two different bands that students can be a part of: the Cardinal Band and the Gold Band. Clay and Perez were in the Cardinal Band. L. Somers and Barrick were in the Gold Band. On Friday, Feb. 7, the players in the Cardinal Band had to audition for chair placements in their respective sections. The Gold Band members already had their chair placements when they checked in. Both bands spent many hours working on their music for the concert that was held in Stephens Auditorium on ISU’s campus on the night of Saturday, Feb. 8.
Barrick and Perez have been to this honor band before. Perez was a part of the ISU Honor Band her sophomore year. Perez said the main difference between the 2018 and 2020 performances was “I actually practiced my music beforehand this year.” Her favorite part of the experience was “getting food” with the other students. While in Ames, these students met up with 2019 graduate Avery Andersen, and 2017 graduates Nadia Somers and Megan Behrends at a local pizza place. Andersen, N. Somers, and Behrends are all currently attending ISU.
The Gold Band played a collection of five songs. These songs were “Yosemite Autumn,” “On This Bright Morning,” “Prelude to Act I La Traviata,” “The Pathfinder of Panama,” and “Funiculi – Funicula Rhapsody.” The Cardinal Band also played a collection of five songs. Their songs were “Mambo Perro Loco,” “Trail of Tears,” “Prestissimo,” “Undertow,” and “Wayfaring Stranger.”