The Correlation Behind Backpacks and Locker Usage
Should students carry their backpacks around?

All sorts of bags can be found in classrooms across the school. Some teachers make kids leave their bags out in the hallway, or in one section of the room.
December 3, 2019
At Atlantic High School, students carry their bags around all day. Very few kids make use of their locker. Should lockers be enforced to use in school, instead of toting around a bag all day, every day?
Mandi Brauer, a teacher at Atlantic High School, said students should not be able to carry their bags around. Her reasoning was it can cause problems with the kids’ backs. On the other hand, senior McCade Stillian said students shouldn’t have to use their lockers. Junior Bryer Rose agreed with him, stating it is fine to carry around a backpack.
However, there are health concerns when it comes to backpack usage. When students put heavy weight on their backs, their shoulders are pulled backwards. This causes the spine to compress unnaturally. Another problem is that backpacks can cause pinching of nerves and can interfere with circulation. Tightness, numbness, and weakness can develop in arms and hands because of this. On average, backpacks weigh around 15 percent of an individual’s body mass.
In order to prevent these health effects, students can purchase a different book bag, one that doesn’t make their back hurt after a long day. Padding on the back is ideal. Also, it helps to wear the bag with both straps over the shoulders. In general, the bigger the shoulder strap, the better it is for an individual’s health. Finally, putting too much weight in the bag is not ideal.
What about the lockers? They are made to store stuff in, including backpacks and books. However, a lot of students at AHS believe they don’t have enough time to stop by their locker and retrieve the necessary materials in between classes. On the flip side, teachers think students should use their lockers, as it helps prevent messes from occurring in the classroom.