Students and Teachers’ Thoughts on Homework
The homework load affects both the assigner, and the assignee.
While students are often the ones who complain of homework, teachers feel the affects too.
November 18, 2019
Homework is a growing epidemic that is becoming more and more stressful for students. Teens are constantly stressed from the amount of homework that is being assigned. With the students’ activities, family events, and time to do the homework, they don’t have much time for a social life. Sophomore Katy Rothfusz said her social life is definitely affected by her school work. She said by the time she completes her homework, she is too tired to hang out with her friends. Homework impacts students so much, it is scientifically proven that too much homework can lead to a decrease in their mental capability. A study from the National Center for Education Statistics found that students spend around seven hours doing homework. Rothfusz said she typically has around three hours of homework every night. Assuming she is doing three hours of work each school night, Rothfusz tallies 15 hours of homework time when the weekend rolls around.
Teachers also have difficulties they deal with during school. Spanish teacher Trisha Niceswager said she gives the students homework irregularly. When she does give homework, she tries to give them time in class to complete it. However, how they use their time is “up to them.” Everyday she gets assignments turned in late. Niceswanger said, “I feel like every time I assign something, there will be someone who doesn’t get it done on time.” From a teacher’s perspective, they don’t always have that connection where their students feel comfortable to go to them for help. Some students, who want to be unnamed, feel if they go to a teacher for help they will be viewed as “not smart.” Just like students, teachers want their private life to be relaxing. Niceswanger said she will go out to eat with family or friends and then have to leave early to grade papers or tests. After grading, she has to prepare for the upcoming week.
English teacher Randall Simpson spends around 12 hours grading his students work a week. “Saturday I use to plan the week and then Sunday I use for housekeeping things,” Simpson said. He feels as though students haven’t been taught how to use their time wisely, as he often gets daily work turned in late. As chaotic as the school day is, Simpson said, “I don’t notice how much stress the students are under because there’s an epidemic of kids in my classroom messing around.” He said if students were worried about their homework load, they would use the time given to them in class to their best ability.