All-State Auditions Recap

One individual will be representing AHS at the All-State music festival.

Katy Rothfusz

The trio of junior Camryn Church, and seniors Bradley Dennis and Katie Saluk warm up with choir teacher Ethan Pruisman. This is Pruisman’s first year teaching.

Hana Holtz, Editor

Being an All-Stater is one of the highest honors a high school musician can have. The auditioning process is lengthy and intricate, not to mention stressful. Auditioners on both the vocal and instrumental sides spend months preparing for their shot at impressing a judge and their ticket into the All-State chorus, orchestra, or band.

All-State auditions were held on Saturday, Oct. 26 at AHS. Over 1,000 musicians roamed the halls in between their try-out times. Thirteen choir members and 15 band members represented Atlantic through the audition process. 

On the choir side, junior Camryn Church and senior Katie Saluk were recalled. Church and Saluk were in a trio with senior Bradley Dennis. “I was definitely nervous because I knew there’s going to be four people out of the 13 that were recalled accepted,” Church said. This was her first year getting a recall. The two girls went into their recall audition, and Church said she messed up and “knew I wasn’t going to make it.” After the list was posted stating who was accepted into the All-State chorus, Church and Saluk didn’t make the cut. No Atlantic choir members made All-State. Church said she wasn’t upset about messing up, “just kinda bummed that no one else from our choir made it.”

As the results came flooding in for band, senior Erin Barrick was recalled on the trumpet. Going into her recall, there were only two spots available and five auditioners. Barrick earned a recall but was not given a spot in the All-State Band. However, junior Lex Somers–who auditioned on the tuba–made it for the third year. Somers made it outright. He is three for three on All-State appearances. 

The All-State music festival will start on Thursday, Nov. 21 and conclude on Saturday, Nov. 23. Ames is the host site for the festival.