Lights Up on Homecoming 2019
The annual Homecoming festivities are under way.
Seniors Maddy Fell, Katie Saluk, and Savannah Cameron work on their Homecoming float last year. The 2018 theme was board games.
October 7, 2019
Calling all Trojans to the stand as Homecoming is just around the corner. On Oct. 7, the annual activities will commence with every inch being covered in black and gold along with a friendly competition between each grade. This year, the Trojans will take on the Greene County Rams at 7 p.m. for the last time on the original Trojan Bowl field.
The theme for Homecoming this year is “Lights, Camera, Action!” During the week, students may participate in several school activities in order to receive spirit points for their grade. Each activity is rewarded a certain amount of points which is decided by the student council.
The dress days will begin on Monday with the theme being “Monday U,” which is college attire. The “Atlantic Express” will arrive on Tuesday with everyone in their pajamas. Wednesday is reserved for “Tropical Trojan,” Thursday is “Trojan Magic” with each grade wearing their class color. Freshmen wear blue, sophomores wear red, juniors wear green and seniors wear yellow. “Trojan Night Lights” will appear on Friday with the school colors of black and gold.
On Sept. 30, float building began. It will end on Wednesday with the floats being judged. Each grade is given 30 hours total to work on and complete the floats while also being able to schedule their own times. Each grade must come up with their own and original ideas while still being able to relate it to the overall theme for Homecoming. The class floats will make their debut during the parade on Friday starting at 2:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets for riding the floats are located in the library.
On Monday and Wednesday, there will be lunch games put on by the student council. During both lunches, one student from each grade will be chosen to participate in the games in order to gain spirit points for their class.
During AO time on Tuesday and Thursday, dodgeball will be held in the gym. Students were able to sign up on the posters in the commons if they were wanting to play. The freshmen will play the juniors during the first round, followed by the sophomores and seniors. The losing teams of those matches will play each other to see which grade will come in third and fourth place. In the final rounds, the two winning teams will compete for first.
Throughout the week there will be a food-drive held near the front doors. Students are asked to bring non-perishable items. This year, there will also be a collection of Play-Doh which will be donated by Greene County to children’s hospitals.
Dance tickets will be sold Monday through Friday before school and during A and B lunches. Tickets cost $5 per person or you may pay the same price upfront at the dance. The dance will be on Saturday night at 8:30 until 11 p.m. in the AHS commons. Students are able to pick up out-of-town permission slips in the office. They are due in the office by noon on Friday.
Voting for king and queen will take place on Wednesday after royalty introductions during seminar. The poles will open at 9:44 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m.
The 2019 Homecoming court consists of seniors Tayler Burg, Hana Holtz, Kylie Neal, Reagan Pellett, Pluma Pross, Katie Saluk, Kenzie Waters, Sage Archibald, Evan Brummer, Zach Mathisen, Tyler Moen, Spencer Ray, Cale Roller and Nile Petersen.
On Friday, there will be an assembly beginning at 12:13 p.m. After the AHS choir sings, the members of the Homecoming court will be escorted in by their parents. Then, the king and queen will be announced and crowned.
Following coronation, there will be a pep rally organized by cheerleaders and student council. During the pep rally, the cheer and dance teams will perform. The student council will also host friendly competitions and will finish at 1:13 p.m.