NEWS BRIEF — Football Team Celebrates Last Team Night
Team night tradition closes out the Trojan season.

Sam Granner bowls with the football team on Thursday night.
October 23, 2018
The Football team had their last team night on Thursday. They went to the Super Bowl to go bowling and eat pizza. The time spent together is great for team bonding.
Middle linebacker Bodie Johnson said team night was enjoyable as it was the last time the team would get to spend time together before the last game on Friday. Johnson said, “I think some of the reasons we bowl and have team night is to bond and get the next game off our minds.”
Senior Sam Granner came in first place of the “bowl-0-rama” night. The winner got a choice of whether they want a different type of clothes or a hat. Granner, who scored 157 points, decided he wanted a hat.