Getting to Know the Class of 2017: Jordan Liddell

Senior spotlight featuring Jordan Liddell.


Liddell with dog, Riley.

Alison Bodine

Jordan Liddell participated in choir her freshman year and said if she could go back and change something, she would participate in more school activities. Throughout Jordan’s school career she has attended school in Minden, Tri- Center and Atlantic. Liddell’s most memorable part of her life was the 2016 Griswold prom.

She graduated at semester her senior year on December 21, 2016. Liddell says that having the opportunity to graduate early is something she is very proud of. The most influential person during high school was Mrs. Thurston because of the many ways she helped Liddell. After high school, she plans on attending Iowa Western to major in social work, and then hopes to get a job as a human service worker.

If she won a million dollars, Liddell said that she, “would go clothes shopping, buy a new car and go on a trip to the Bahamas.” If Liddell could have one super power, she would have super speed, so that she could run the mile in under 10 minutes.