Getting to Know the Class of 2017: Sage Hansen

Senior spotlight featuring Sage Hansen.


Skyanne Christensen

When Sage Hansen gets home, her dog Lacie is the first to greet her, and it’s the highlight of her day.

Hansen participates in choir and show choir. Her favorite part of being a part of choir/show choir is going to competitions and getting together with her friends.

After high school, Hansen wants to attend Iowa Western to major in psychology. She decided she wanted to invest her time in psychology after she, “took it last year and found it interesting and wants to go further and find out more information.”

Hansen’s most memorable moment is being the first person in her family to graduate high school. She has two older siblings, Abby and Jess. She loves coming home to her pup Lacie, and her mom Jen. Hansen said, “My favorite part of school was nap time.”

Hansen’s mom influences her the most because she is always there to support her. She wants people to remember her by not trying to fit in with society’s standards and just being herself.

Hansen is proud of making so many friends throughout high school and making so many amazing memories that will last forever. Hansen also said, “One thing I would do over is trying harder my first three years of high school.” The teacher that influenced her the most was Mrs. Osborne.