U.S. Strikes Syria
Map courtesy of Wikimedia.
April 7, 2017
On Thursday, April 6, the U.S. president Donald Trump ordered a military strike on the Syrian regime. This was in response to an attack by Syria on the rebel held town of Khan Sheikhun, that ended up killing 80 people. People were shocked to see images of the aftermath of Syria’s attack that left children dead. The U.S. attack ended up killing six people, according to Syria.
Syria, along with Russia, have denounced the U.S. attack. According to CNN, Russian president Vladimir Putin was quoted as saying that the bombing was “aggression against a sovereign state in violation of the norms of international law under a far-fetched pretext.”
Along with those two denouncing it, China and Iran are also against the missile strike. Multiple countries are supporting Trump’s decision, however. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, Japan, and Australia are all countries who are on the United State’s side. “A positive response to the Assad regime’s war crimes” is what Turkey said about the strike.
Whatever the outcome of this is, it is another of Trump’s controversial decisions.