Laptop Enforcement


Dustin Rudolph, Editor

As the new school year begins, the staff is going over the rules with all of the students.  But this year, in particular, they have new rules involving the 1-1.  Or at least that’s how it seemed to the students of AHS. But according to Roger Warne, tech coordinator, “Nothing has changed, we just clarified the protocol.”  

The protocol that they clarified states that with first offense, teachers warn you, with the second offense they take it away for the period, and with the third offense they give it to the office for the day.  The more it gets taken to the office, the longer they take the computer away from you.  According to Warne, we “wanna use it as a tool, and we feel it is a tool that provides a great opportunity to expand your education.”  He feels the laptops are “Same as a textbook with a lot more power.”

There hasn’t been too many problems with them this year yet, but they had to clarify this protocol because of a “Lack of responsibility from students.”  One thing that Warne would like the student body to know, is that every game that they play on their computer “affects the machine and the way it runs” even when you didn’t download the game.  

Warne doesn’t want to restrict students, he just wants the students to use the computers for what they are supposed to.  They need to use them to become better students.