Do you believe in fairy tales? AHS has its very own fairy. If you see fairy dust in the halls it might just lead you to something special: the Tooth Fairy might leave dimes under your pillow, but the AHS Period Product Good Fairy leaves tampons and pads in the Middle H Bathroom.
A person in the school, who requested anonymity, has taken on the persona of the Period Product Good Fairy, providing tampons and pads for students who may need them. The Fairy said they heard that the governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, did this in Minnesota, making menstrual supplies free in public school bathrooms.
According to AHS custodians, the period product dispensers in the women’s bathrooms are empty and haven’t been filled in 7 years. The nurse’s office has goody bags filled with pads, tampons, and sanitary wipes, which are used by an array of students. Kelley Evans, the director of nursing, supplies the period products and there are donations from time to time from community members, PTO, PEO, and Methodist Church. Menstrual products are provided for students in all the buildings. The Period Products Good Fairy added a basket of products to the middle-H bathroom to support the women at AHS.

At this time, the Fairy is self-funding the project. However, they said they would like to speak with the nurses about finding a cheaper place to buy these products. “I was so surprised by how expensive they are,” the Fairy said. The first purchase was $15 and buying products weekly will start to add up quickly.
When the Period Product Good Fairy checked the baskets a day and a half later all the products (tampons) were gone. The fairy wants “to normalize period products” and said that it is “an equity issue…it costs more money to be a female than a male in this country…I want to support all students who have periods.”
Periods are normal and students should never feel ashamed or embarrassed to have one.
The Period Product Fairy is a symbol of equality and love, spreading goodness to AHS. Students shouldn’t feel nervous about taking from the basket but should take consideration of others who might also be in a similar situation. You are welcome to add to the basket, or if you would like to contribute, you can contact the front office, which has access to the Fairy.

Mrs.Andersen • Nov 11, 2024 at 10:34 am
This is AMAZING!! Thank you for this!