Teacher’s Hobbies
There are various hobbies that teachers at AHS like to participate in.

Misty Rhodes loves making crafts for others in need.
December 9, 2022
While reading and fishing are some of the most popular hobbies in America, some teachers here at AHS have different types of hobbies. For example, Spanish teacher Dan Vargason likes to play with fireworks ”I was a pyro as a little kid.” He would get fireworks from his neighbors when he was a child for shoveling snow. Vargason said, “It’s visually appealing,” along with “who doesn’t like fireworks?” His hobby costs him about a couple of thousand dollars a year. Another hobby Vargason has is fishing which, helps him with stress the most. Vargason likes to go fishing to “get away from the world.” He likes to set time for everything he wants to do. “We get caught up in just working all the time,” he said.
Rebecca Wallace, the Family and Consumer Sciences teacher at AHS, has many hobbies. But the only hobby she has time for is working out. Wallace likes to work out because it “helps get the anxious energy out.” To make time for her hobby, Wallace put exercising into her routine for the day. Wallace said that her hobby helps benefit the community because she’s “more fabulous.” She said, “I’m a little less stressed coming to work, and the children are the community.”
Misty Rhodes, the Study Hall Supervisor, likes to scrapbook and make cards. Rhodes got into scrapbooking and making cards when she used to work at Micheal’s craft store. “I said I was going to give it a try,” she said. 22 years later, she’s still doing it. Rhodes likes to make scrapbooks for her kids, and her cards have become her main hobby to do. She has an Etsy account for her cards, where she sells them. The costs of her hobby can be a lot. She said, “I go through paper like nobody’s business.” Rhodes is a part of a group called the Cricut Card Fairies where she and her group members work together and make cards and send them to those who are ill or are on their deathbeds.
Taylor Williams, the Biology and Anatomy teacher, likes to spend her time crocheting. Her hobby can be very expensive depending on the quality of the yarn she is buying. William’s biggest project was when she made a couch for her cat. “It’s a lot of work.” Making time for her hobby isn’t very hard. “If I have an hour or so at home, I sit down and pick up a project.”