Be Bald and Free Day Impacts AHS
Many students and staff sport a bald look.
Evan Adamon looks at his computer screen.
October 14, 2022
Be Bald and Free Day is a day for supporting those that are bald around you; and at AHS, you can see many eggheads, such as Evan Adamon, Daniel Vargason, and senior Kaylee Brooks. This holiday is celebrated on Oct. 14, and according to National Today, “Though it is not known when the day was celebrated for the first time, Be Bald and Be Free Day has encouraged a lot of men and women to shave their heads and be proud of their looks.”
A noticeable bald spot in the hallways, choir teacher Evan Adamon is a polished sight. Adamon started balding during his sophomore year in college when he was 20; although he didn’t fully “bite the bullet” and shave his head until the summer of 2021. The now 28-year-old choir teacher had originally decided to shave his head while “golfing at the booster club golf tournament last year” with fellow bald teacher, Daniel Vargason. Adamon shaves his head once every two to three days, and chooses not to shave his beard because “It’s a look, also if I don’t have a beard I literally look like I’m 12.” If he were to see one other teacher bald, he would choose band instructor Jarrod O’Donnel, because “why not.”
Nothing is more freeing than shaving your head, or at least that is what senior Kaylee Brooks thinks. Brooks has been noticed in the halls with bright, vibrant colors atop their head, but the reason why is not as colorful as it may appear. Between the ages of 14 and 16, Brooks was in a relationship that left them at the brunt of sexual assault. This relationship was a very traumatic experience for Brooks, especially with the fondness their ex had for their hair; which made it a freeing experience to finally be rid of it. “After buzzing it off, it felt like I had a weight lifted off of me,” Brooks said, even though it took a year to attain their mother’s approval. Brooks now loves their hair the way it is, aside from the fact that their two cats, Tuttisa and Luna, keep attempting to “suckle on my head like they do fluffy blankets.”
The expert on baldness himself, Daniel Vargason is celebrating Be Bald and Free Day by “just being me.” Vargason has been teaching at Atlantic High School for 11 years, although he has only been shaving his head for five. “I’ve come to terms with being Mr. Clean,” Vargason said. He originally started shaving his head due to a receding hairline, like with Adamon, who Vargason told to shave it. Vargason now has a routine when it comes to his baldness upkeep; “Shave it every two days,” and make sure to put sunblock on it everywhere he goes. Vargason’s advice to anyone who was wanting to shave their head is to “Just do it, most people hang on, just commit to doing it.” If he could see anyone else bald, Vargason said he would choose “Terry Hinzman because I think that would be hilarious.”
Being united by their chrome domes, these three AHS representatives will be showing their joy of Be Bald and Free Day today.