Represent Black and Gold
Many students at AHS participate in different activities. Being involved in activities can better a high school experience.

Senior Evan Brummer’s artwork was posted on twitter at the beginning of April. The poster showcases senior athletes from AHS.
May 26, 2022
Everyone should have the chance to be involved in school while in high school. Either school or non-school activities, it could be as simple as taking elective classes or joining clubs. Being involved even means going to school events like games, concerts, and dances with your friends throughout the years of high school. Students can have forever memories that they create with their friends throughout four years.
Joining a sport is what most people think of when they think about getting involved, but it doesn’t matter if it is JV, Varsity, or just a club sport. Being on a team can help you while in high school and keep you in shape. Sports participation develops athletic skills that could benefit students in the future and also helps them meet new people or friends. Sports could also give them an activity that they find fun and they can continue playing after high school. Examples include archery, Game Club, Creative Writing Club, and even basketball, as the Nishna Valley YMCA has a noontime pickup game on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Contrasting sports, someone can get also involved in school through the performing arts such as band, choir, drama, speech, and debate. Performing arts also include participating in musicals and plays. However, you don’t always have to be performing on the stage. You can work behind the scenes as the stage crew, lights, sound, and even building the set is an option. Performing arts could even mean starting a band in your garage with your friends.
Clubs are another way for people to get involved. Most high schools have many different clubs that give everyone in school a wide array of options. They can help students find a new interest that they might not have known about before. Some clubs at AHS include a Creative Writing Club, Battle of the Books, Game Club, PRISM/GSA, and you can even start your own.
Journalism is a different activity you can be involved in. There are many options that journalism offers to students such as being a part of the school newspaper, yearbook, or broadcasting. All of these can engage your creativity and develop different writing aspects. This can help students learn leadership and gain responsibility.
Everyone says to be involved in school as much as you can, but what if someone has no interest or can’t be involved at school? Students might have to work to support their family or help their parents look after their younger siblings, therefore not having time for any outside activities. If this is the case, turn to in-school involvement by joining AO clubs or taking “activity classes” such as chorus, band, journalism, FFA, or art.
Some might not want to participate in activities. Others might not get along with the other people in that activities. “People take the fun out of it,” said sophomore Franchesca Gonzales.
There are many options for someone in high school to become involved in sports, performing arts, clubs, journalism, and other academic and athletic programs both through the school and outside of school. Being involved in activities can create a better high school experience for people.