After High School- A White Picket Fence
Many students after high school struggle with the decisions that they will face.
Many graduates struggle with their parents’ not being under their wind anymore.
April 8, 2022
A long driveway leads to a big house surrounded by a white picket fence. A pool in the backyard with a nice car in the garage. The American dream but, how do you get there?
Most teenagers in high school spend their days fantasizing about graduation, the day they finally move out, and be on their own. Most teenagers are still wondering what they’re going to do after high school, having their main choices be college or work. However, once they are on their own, teenagers realize how hard it actually attaining the white-picket-fence life. The lead in the school’s play can’t get any more roles and the quarterback of the football team realizes he isn’t the star anymore. They’re just like everybody else, trying to find their way.
Ninety-two percent of high school students who graduate high school and 66.2% of high school graduates who attend college are immediately enrolled. Most graduates dream of the college experience, being out of the house, and on their own. Their own rules and own time. What graduates and teenagers don’t always realize is that they don’t have their parents to rely on as much. No more “Can you bring me my textbook?” or “What’s for dinner?” You’re in charge of that all.
Exploring your options after high school is one of the biggest decisions with many options for students. Seventy-five percent of American college students enter as either undecided or change their major at least once. Also, college sports are a big part of many people’s lives today. From children to adults, stadiums are sold out with fans and their favorite teams. Overall, only a little over seven percent of high school students play sports in college.
At Atlantic High School, sophomore year is the year you pick college classes for junior year. What if you don’t necessarily know one-hundred percent what you want to do? When asked how it was signing up for college classes, Bennett Whetstone said, “Well I’m not a hundred percent sure what I want to do so I’m just kind of doing what I’m interested in.” This is a great alternative for students because while it may not benefit them for a future job, it will benefit them for college. Doing what you’re interested in keeps students involved and more determined to do well.
If you have an idea of what you want your career to be after high school, college classes are a great way to improve your learning and understanding for your future job. Businesses are more willing to hire you if you have more experience than others and you’re seen as more valuable in your field.
Starting your life can be very difficult for most people because you’re more on your own than you have ever been in your life. It’s your job to manage your time, money, and classes or work. The harder you work and the more successful you become, the easier it will be to get to that white picket fence.
Laurie Fell • Apr 10, 2022 at 8:04 am
Great article Kyra! This tells students to take stock in their goals and not to let them slip away!
Guyett Sherry • Apr 9, 2022 at 11:22 pm
Great article!! Well written and quite true!