New Year, More Teacher Assistants
AHS juniors and seniors have the opportunity to become a teacher’s assistant for a hands-on teaching experience.
Senior Ariel Clark talks to Allison Berryhill’s class. Clark is a TA this year. Eligible students can be a teacher’s assistant for any class that a teacher approves.
October 15, 2020
Many students at AHS are eager to graduate and start their future. One of the opportunities that AHS offers to students is becoming a TA or teacher assistant.
A teacher assistant is an opportunity for students to learn what the teaching profession is like. This gives students highschool credit and a period where they don’t have to worry about homework. This year, there are 10-15 students taking advantage of this opportunity, according to guidance counselor Alyssa Dovenspike. In the past, only seniors were allowed to be a teacher’s assistant. Now the option is available for juniors as well.
Senior Dazia Sorensen is a teacher assistant for Randall Simpson’s English classes, so she gets more experience around students. “I think it’s a great opportunity for me to learn some more, I think it’s pretty fun.” Said Sorensen. She helps Mr. Simpson facilitate instruction, organize lesson planning, or anything else that he needs help with. The only thing she cannot do is grade work.
Sorensen’s favorite part of being a teacher assistant is being able to help other students when they have questions or don’t understand the material. “The most difficult thing about being a TA is that sometimes the students can be difficult to work with,” said Sorensen. The first year that Sorensen was a teacher assistant, she brought pizza for the class she sits in on and they had a pizza party.
Those considering being a TA must have enough credits and be on track with graduation. Students can be a teacher’s assistant for any class that a teacher approves. Sorensen said, “Choose a class you feel passionately about or are very knowledgeable about.”