How to Order a Yearbook

The 2020-2021 yearbook is available for purchase both online and through the school.

Da’Jai Wesson

Students can order a yearbook from the school or online. If ordered by Oct. 10, it’s only $45.

Madison Huddleson, Staff Writer

Every year, the journalism department produces a different yearbook available for purchase. The theme of the 2020-2021 yearbook is Our Path Forward. 

Students who want to order a yearbook online can go to the school website. Clicking on the link leads to a page where students or parents can choose which school to view and find out the prices of the yearbooks. 

Ordering it online will require a credit/debit card. Customers are able to choose an option to make 3 payments or pay it all at once. If ordered before Oct. 10, 2020, the yearbook is only $45. Those who want to order it from the school can pay $15 to reserve one and pay the rest before receiving the yearbook. 

Lead editor Kennedy Goergen said, “it’s about the seniors having to pick a path to take.” The design for this year’s book is a sunset color pallet. It’s also going to have a lot of path graphics. Lead editor Shayla Luke said the way they “approach things” will be different this year since there is an added difficulty getting pictures for the yearbook.

The lead editors of this year’s yearbook, Caroline Pellett, Luke, and Goergen, believe that students should order a yearbook because “it’s full of lots of memories and it’s fun to look back on,” said Pellett. Advisor Allison Berryhill said, “Don’t wait until your senior year to get one.”