Prom Put on Hold
Along with many other schools across the nation, Atlantic High School has postponed prom due to COVID-19.
Senior Erin Barrick and Joel Behrens pose at Grand March last year. The theme for Prom 2019 was “A Night in Europe.”
April 14, 2020
As most focus on the recent outbreak of COVID-19, many high school students watched the activities they were most excited for get postponed. One such activity is Prom.
On Friday, March 20, Atlantic High School principal Heather McKay sent out an email to students and staff about Prom being postponed. The event was originally set for Saturday, April 4. Prom sponsor Mallory Kirchhoff said at this time all Prom plans remain the same. This means she is anticipating the same activities to take place at the same locations. However, as time goes by, they will change plans as needed. “My hope is that students realize we are going to do everything in our power to give them the Prom they deserve,” McKay said.
“I was sad and relieved,” senior Kylie Neal said once she read the email about the postponement. “Sad because I wanted Prom but relieved that it’s not canceled.” Neal still holds out hope for Prom being pushed back into summer, but “only time will tell.”
Senior McKenzie Waters and junior Maycie Waters said they had been anticipating the email due to school already being canceled. They also felt anxious about whether or not Prom would still go on at a later date because this would be their only chance to go to the event together. Although the two felt upset, they found a way to look at the positives. “It gives us more of a chance to get our tan on,” Ma. Waters said.
McKay said she has teamed up with the Prom chairs to find a new date for the dance. They have been looking at dates in late June and early July to hopefully reschedule. Once they have found a date, they will take it to Superintendent Steve Barber, who will make the final decision. “Normally, the date for Prom is a Principal decision,” McKay said. “However, we are not in normal times.”