Ways that AHS Students Practice Self-Care

Different students take part in self-care in different forms.

Da’Jai Wesson

Junior Dazia Sorenson listens to music during study hall. Jamming out is a common form of self-care. It can increase dopamine levels and affect breathing and heart rate.

Da'Jai Wesson, Editor

Self-care is defined as “any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health,” according to Psych Central. Self-care can range from doing something as simple as taking a shower or getting a good night of sleep, to taking a bath or rearranging a bedroom, just as long as it’s something good for one’s emotional, mental, and physical health. It can be a mood-booster and help an individual better relationships with other people. Many students at AHS practice different forms of self-care. 

Junior Haylie Handel describes self-care as “spending time by yourself and relaxing.” Usually, Handel will do a “nice face mask” and a “little spa day,” or even a bath in order to feel fresh. Handel thinks self-care is important for both mental and physical health. “If you’re not taking care of yourself, how are you going to survive?” Handel said. She practices most self-care on Sundays, which she calls her “relaxing day.”

Freshman Lillian Stufflebeam usually does self-care after she does her homework. She’ll clean her room, take a bath or shower, and listen to music. Stufflebeam describes self-care as “Loving yourself and taking care of yourself.” She thinks self-care is important in order to stay happy and motivated. “I think you should do self-care all the time because you should always love yourself,” Stufflebeam said. 

Sophomore Tyler Molina thinks of self-care as “making sure you feel good and look good.” Molina practices self-care whenever he’s feeling down by listening to music, spending time with his friends, and taking a shower. “It gives me a routine to follow, and if I don’t follow it, I’m not on track with things,” he said. Molina thinks everyone should participate in self-care and “achieve their own goal” in it. 

There are no rules when it comes to what qualifies as self-care. Oftentimes, it doesn’t even cost money. It can be something as simple as taking a walk or listening to music. 

If you’re looking for a full list of low-cost forms of self-care, you can find more information on The Huffington Post.