Letter to the Editor Prompts Donated Kleenex
Junior Becca Folds impacted many classrooms at the high school by writing in to the Atlantic News Telegraph.
Junior Becca Folds distributes the tissues to classes around AHS. A variety of people sent in money or dropped of Kleenexes after her piece in the newspaper.
October 18, 2019
Junior Becca Folds wrote a story to the Atlantic News Telegraph about Kleenex not being in the classrooms at AHS. Little did she know her story would appear in the “Speak Up” column. She decided to write in as she was concerned about the health issues that could develop with the lack of readily-available Kleenex to students.
“I wrote the article at first as a joke. We had been talking about it one morning before English in [Emma] Bireline’s room. She said someone should write to the paper about it,” Folds said. “I didn’t actually think it would get in the paper.”
Folds has always lived in towns that are smaller than Atlantic, and those school systems have been able to provide tissues to their students. Upon arrival in Atlantic, she was surprised by the lack of tissues.
While the feedback hasn’t necessarily been verbal, Folds has received kind words online. Her fourth grade teacher from Louisiana sent in money to purchase Kleenex. Also, many people throughout the community have donated boxes of Kleenex, which Folds passed out to classrooms and the building. “Some of my teachers and family told me they were proud of me,” she said.
Nurse Kelli Evans said the issue is a “touchy subject.” As the school system doesn’t provide tissues, she said the next best thing is for students to bring in some to share. She understands not every child can afford to donate Kleenex, but believes it would help solve the problem. At the same time, she said the best way people can combat sickness is by washing their hands.
Kleenex donations are being accepted in the office at the high school.