NEWS BRIEF – AHS Rounds Up New Leaders for 2018-2019 School Year
Student Council elects officers for next year.
2017-18 Student Council members are pictured above.
April 17, 2018
The members of Student Council took a vote to elect six officer positions Tuesday morning. Most positions had only one nominee with the exception of vice president. By the end of the meeting junior Sarah Schorle was elected president, sophomores Lucas Behrens and Katie Saluk battled for vice president with Saluk coming out on top, and the secretary position was taken by sophomore Madison Fell. Serving as treasurer and dealing with the money for the council will be sophomore Corri Pelzer. The parliamentarian and historian positions were open for election and Behrens jumped on the opportunity to be the parliamentarian for the council. The historian position has yet to be filled. The new officers will be inducted into the council on May 6 during the Student Council banquet.