Getting to Know the Class of 2018: Heather Freund

Senior Spotlight featuring Heather Freund.

Annamaria Lowary

In senior Heather Freund’s life, there is never a dull moment. As the middle child in a family of five, there is always something going on. Freund has an older sister, Lexi, and a younger brother, Daniel. Her parents are Matt and Dawn Freund. Tennis, archery, Student Council, NHS, FFA, and Schuler mentoring are activities/organizations Freund has been involved with. “My favorite sport is archery because it is so competitive and I get to spend time with my friends,” Freund said. She also enjoys “anything to do with FFA.”  

Freund joined FFA as a sophomore, not knowing exactly what she wanted to do in the organization. She became a member because she saw how it made her sister such a good leader. Freund looks up to her sister because of her “ambition and determination to accomplish things throughout her life.” Freund’s favorite school memory is when she went to the National FFA Convention. “It was an eye-opening experience with great people,” she said.

Tennis has been part of Freund’s life since grade school, when she first began playing the sport. Since she became passionate about tennis at such a young age, she decided to continue with it in high school. She also decided to try archery her freshman year without having experience because she wanted to try new things and “fell in love with the sport and the people who participated in it.” In Freund’s free time she likes to bake, read and spend time with her friends.  

Future plans for Freund include attending Northwest Missouri State University to major in elementary education and minor in psychology and reading. Freund chose to major in elementary education because she loves working with kids and seeing their faces when they get an “a-ha” moment. Freund said she has wanted to be a teacher for as long as she can remember.