Getting to Know the Class of 2017: Randall Dill III

Senior spotlight featuring Randall Dill III.

Nathan Behrends

Boys have always enjoyed the big, tough, strong things in life, and Randall Dill has done just that.  The “manly” things he likes are welding and lifting weights.

Dill has taken many different shop classes while he has been in high school.  He really likes taking shop classes but his favorite class is welding.  He said welding class is where he learned what he wants to be when he grows up.  He can pursue this career by not having to go to college.  All he has to do is find a job in a welding fabrication shop.

Dill’s favorite activity in high school is weightlifting. He has been in weightlifting since sixth grade.  “I like to get gains,” Dill said.  By being involved in weightlifting this has made him to become very strong and allowed him to do well in activities like track and football.

He said that the one thing he wishes he could do over in life was not quitting football. He wishes he would have stayed out for at least a whole year and not quit halfway through. “I regret and miss not being apart of the team anymore,” Dill said.  

Although Dill might seem big and tough on the outside, it doesn’t mean he is big and tough on the inside all the time.  There has been times in school the Dill has wanted to give up.  He said Ms. Blazek has helped him through these battles of wanting to give up, but she wouldn’t let him because she believed in him. Thus, Ms. Blazek has been the most influential person during his high school years.

He may seem like he is a big, strong, tough guy on the outside, but Dill says he hopes people will remember him as both the strong guy, and the quiet nice guy who doesn’t get into people’s business.