Getting to Know the Class of 2017: Madelyn Kickland

Senior spotlight featuring Madelyn Kickland

Senior Madelyn Kickland is going to college for pre-med. Kickland has always lived in Atlantic with her parents, Haley and Jim Kickland, her younger sister Mycala and her two dogs, Espen and Bendit. Her mom is her role model throughout the years. “As I grew up, I watched her as she went to college, get her doctor’s degree, and help with the business. She works hard for what she wants.” One thing Kickland is proud of is her dog, Espen, because she’s starting to listen better and she’s cute. Espen makes her happy and smile.

In school, she’s participated in YMCA track and swimming, high school track, swimming and volleyball. Volleyball was her least favorite. Her favorite activity in high school was swimming. “I got to hang out with all my friends, and get into really good shape.” Mrs Jenkins has the most impact on her throughout high school, because she learned a lot, and pushed her in class. Her most influential person in her life was her grandpa. “He knows a lot of knowledge and worked really hard. And he knows a lot of knowledge. Seeing him work really hard, makes you wanna work really hard.” If Kickland could change one thing throughout high school it would to be to not to participate in volleyball. “There was so much negativity and bullying going on. I didn’t want to be around that.” Kickland flies planes and skydrives in her free time.

When Kickland was younger, she wanted a stop sign holder, not majoring in pre-med. Kickland applied to the University of Iowa in August of 2016, and was accepted three days later. “I felt relieved and ready to get out of Atlantic.” Kickland decided to major in pre-med, because she’s likes caring for people, and making sure they aren’t in pain anymore. Kickland wants people to remember her by making people laugh and brighten up their day when she graduates from Atlantic High School in May 2017.