Getting to Know the Class of 2017: Kelbe Flathers
Senior spotlight featuring Kelbe Flathers.
April 13, 2017
Dance has been a large part of Kelbe Flathers’ life; she started dance classes when she was three, and continues to dance her way through life. She has also been a member of dance team all four years of high school. Flathers has also been the volleyball manager and mentored her freshman year, a journalism member sophomore through senior year, and student taught at the Early Learning Center her junior year. In her younger years, she participated in basketball and 4-H. Flathers’ favorite activity in high school has been dance team, where her favorite memories were made at State in 2016.

After high school, Flathers plans to either attend Iowa Western to be a part of the dance team, or continue her education at DMACC. If she chooses the DMACC route, she plans to major in either business administration or elementary education. Her mom and student teach experiences have influenced her decision on her future profession. “My mom went to school for administration, and elementary education because I student taught at a preschool.” When Flathers was younger, she wanted to be a dental hygienist because, “I just thought teeth were cool.”
English teacher Ms. Walker has made the biggest impact on Flathers in high school, as she “made me become a better writer.” Her grandpa is her role model because he has been there through everything and is always pushing her to be her best, no matter what. If Flathers won the lottery, she’d “repay back everything my grandparents have done for me.”