Getting to Know the Class of 2017: Shianne Adams
Senior spotlight featuring Shianne Adams.
April 11, 2017
Shianne Adams wishes to be like her older brother CJ (Charles) Adams, 18. Of the five children in the family, Adams likes to think that her and her brother are the closest. Within her high school career, she finds her most influential person to be her brother. “He showed me no matter how hard things get, you can always achieve it,” Adams said.
A turning point in Adam’s life came when her brother left for basic training. According to Adams, he left on June 27 of this year (2016). For three months, she wasn’t able to see her brother. It was a long and strenuous couple of months. However, Adams said she and her family were able to watch CJ graduate in September of the same year. She said, “[CJ] tried to get me to join [the national guard], and I thought about it, but I found out I can’t because of the two disease that are in my foot.” With her dreams of being like her brother out of reach, Adams dreams about a new career.
She hopes to be a para-educator. Adams was influenced to pursue this ever since she was a young child. The older she became, and the more experience with babysitting she had, the more she realized this profession was for her. Adams plans to attend either IWCC or Midland University. She plans on majoring in early childhood.
So far, Adams has had many influential people in her life, including her mom, brother, and teacher, Mr. Williams. Adams mother taught her to follow her dreams and to never give up. Adams said that with having an older brother, “you learn from their mistakes.” Williams may have had one of the most persuasive roles in Adam’s life. “He showed me I can do things I always told myself I couldn’t,” Adams said.
Through this, Adams has realized many things about herself. One of these things she is most proud of is how far she has come throughout her high school career. As she reflects, she wishes she didn’t “slack” as much. However, through all of her hard work and perseverance, Adams is now on the track to becoming exactly what she has always dreamed of.
When Adams was younger she was involved in basketball, softball and cheerleading. However, across the duration of time of her childhood, she developed a love for cheerleading. Adams has only participated in cheerleading throughout high school.