Searching For A New Leader
2016 DRUM MAJORS: Leaving this year Megan Behrends, hands the job of head drum major to both juniors, Riley Seufert and Josh Mclean.
April 4, 2017
Starting on Wednesday, April 12 and going into April 13, Jarrod O’Donnell will be finding the new drum major of 2017. There are 4 sophomores who signed up and practicing for next week’s auditions. The current drum majors Riley Seufert and Josh Mclean will be teaching the auditioners how to properly conduct, teach them a few songs and how to lead the band.
The requirements for their audition are, conducting a song of O’Donnell’s choice, conduct to the song “Star Spangled Banner,” simple commands and an interview. Some questions they will be expecting during the interview are some basic leadership skills. For example, “How do you motivate students?” “What do you think a leader does?”
The auditions will begin after school on both April 12 and 13.