State Speech Results

GETTING INTO THE RIGHT MIND SET, Speech coach Trisha Niceswanger consoles with student to help calm her nerves.
February 7, 2017
Seven groups and four events went to state for speech last Saturday in West Des Moines Valley. After a full day of performing their pieces in front of judges, the scores were revealed. “Secrets Every Smart Traveler Should Know” received a straight two, “Something Rotten” received a mixed two, “Arabian Nights” – received a mixed two, “Playwriting 101” was given a mixed two as well
“Arbeitslager” was awarded with a mixed two, “Bare-Bodied Artist” got a straight two and the final group “Mayhem Radio” received the only mixed one.
Alex Bales is one of the speech coaches here at Atlantic and went with the groups to state. Bales hoped that they would get “more ones than they did,” but at the end of the day he was “happy with the performances that the students gave.”
Junior Rebekah Hallman was among those who went to state. Hallman was a part of two groups,“Something Rotten,” and “Playwriting 101.” Both of these groups was given a mixed two, “ which was a bit of a disappointment.” Hallman said, “My ensemble acting group was saddened that our group didn’t do better, but are determined to improve on our acting and are currently thinking of an acting piece for next year. We all used it as a way to better our abilities, and hope to achieve higher scores in the future. Obviously, both groups wanted to get straight ones on Saturday, but it is what it is.”