Life in ISS
January 9, 2017
How many students have walked by and wondered what was happening in the (ISS In-School Suspension Room)? The amount of people that are admitted each week range from one to six, although seven is the maximum amount. The most common reason that students enter ISS is classroom disruptions. The detention program requires rules to keep students on task; no sleeping or music, phone must be turned in, and laptops are strictly for school use only. ISS effects students in numerous ways. For example, they miss out on school life and class instruction.
This is Mallory Kirchhoff’s first year as an ISS teacher, but has been with the school for six total. She likes the location of the ISS room because it’s close to the library and office.
An anonymous sophomore said that they’ve been in ISS a total of 12 times this year so far. “A benefit to ISS is that I get to make-up all of my school work.” The worst thing that has happened to the sophomore in ISS is having to spend two extra days in ISS for missing a day.