Library or Lollygagging?

December 15, 2016
Ever since the invention of the printing press, books have been written, published, and read. Libraries have been a popular place to go find these books. But are libraries going out of style? This is a question that is going through many minds in Atlantic, Iowa.
The library at Atlantic High School has 7,134 books, and are planning on adding 44 more. However, according to the substitute librarian, Misty Pelzer, “Six to ten books are checked out on a good day.” Pelzer said most kids that read in school either get books from other classrooms or bring their own books from home.
With new technology, kids can also read books online. However, it could be that modern day kids are simply reading less. Other schools seem to be having the same problem, according to the Denison High School librarian Dean Dreis, the Denison library has 10,000 books and only 20 get checked out each day. Librarian Denise Nix of Red Oak said her school has approximately 4800 books, with nine to twelve books checked out per day.
Just because the library is not filled with kids checking out books, doesn’t mean that the library is never used. According to “Are Libraries Dying? Think Again,” there is a new fascination with libraries.
Here at AHS, the library has many tables, as well as a few couches and living room chairs. When a student misses a quiz or test, he or she goes to the library to retake it. “Around 60 or more people come to the library every day to do something else aside from checking out a book,” Pelzer said. The library is also where a printer is located, which is another reason for students to enter the library.
Why do students want to use the library for these purposes? AHS junior Josh McLean said, “I just come in to work. It’s quiet and peaceful and there’s people I like that come here too.”
Fellow junior Rebekah Hallman agreed with the statement.
“I just like the comfy chairs,” senior Tori Krogh said.
Scott Leonard shared a more work and help based answer, saying “I come in to help Josh and Rebecca with Spanish, and the comfy chairs, however, the chairs are below satisfactory in terms of leg length.”
All the students interviewed unanimously agreed that the use for the library has drastically changed from what it used to be. The library was formerly a place to go and read or check out books. Currently the library is more popular for the couches, as well as peace and quiet to get work done. Also, it is used after school on Wednesdays for mandatory study table (people who are failing a class must attend), as well as used by various sports teams for team study table to get caught up and finish school work.