New Water Fountains Coming to AHS
Alexander creates GoFundMe to bring water bottle fillers to AHS

Water fountains at AHS will be moved to Schuler, and new fountains with water-bottle filling attachments will be installed at AHS.
September 20, 2016
When Assistant Principal Matt Alexander heard students talking about a water fountain with a water bottle filler attachment on it, he decided to take action and make it a reality.
AHS is planning on having at least one fountain up by the end of September. The price to bring a new water fountain with the water bottle filter on it is going to cost “about $1,200.” The district will pay for the new fountain, but not the water-bottle fillers, which cost $600 each.
Alexander chose GoFundMe, a “crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise money for events,” hoping to fund a water-bottle filler. The goal was easily reached and was then moved to $1200. One thousand dollars of that amount has been raised, so AHS now has a goal of having five fountains and fillers throughout the school in places like the commons, the athletic hallway, music wing and the 500 hallway. So far head of maintenance Russ Peck and Alexander have purchased three fountains and fillers, and they are relying on donations coming in from GoFundMe, and during sporting events to pay for the fillers.
When the new fountains are installed, the plan is be send the old fountains to Schuler Elementary school to be re-used.
Alexander said he created the GoFundMe and took action on the situation because “It’s time to do something about it” and “it’s something we have needed for years. I hear students talking about it all the time.” Principal Heather McKay said that she doesn’t like hearing what the other schools in the conference have and we don’t. “I want to be the best.”
To contribute to the fundraising effort: GoFundMe: Bottle filler water fountain at AHS