Boys Track Practice in Full Swing
Coach Jenkins aims for Hawkeye 10 title

March 1, 2016
On Monday, Feb. 15, the boys’ 2016 track season began. Alan Jenkins will remain the head coach this year, with 2008 State record-holder Jordan Mullen, and Jeremy Blake as assistant coaches.
“This year we would like to compete for a conference title,” said Jenkins. Many people are excited to see what this year’s track team can do as last year’s ended on a good note with eight events going to State and two placing top ten and another in the top 15.
Jenkins thinks that this year the team will be even stronger with the freshman class having a few distance runners that the Trojans were scarce of last year. This season he is hoping that the races that require more distance runners will improve in time and strive to make it to the blue oval.
A few events Jenkins wants to improve are shot, discus, and long jump. Field events are key in getting a few points that are the difference between 2nd and 3rd place or 1st and 2nd.
The events that Jenkins is confident in this year are the high jump, shuttle hurdles, 400s,1600, 3200, and the 4×800. He is also optimistic about sophomore Gratt Reed and junior Drake Roller in the 110 highs.
This year the Trojans will also have a new assistant coach, Jordan Mullen. Jenkins said, “I was really excited to hire him. He has great knowledge for the sport and works good with the kids. He is a professional at what he does.”
The first track meet of the season is Friday, March 18, at Central College.